The process has also been used in reverse to aid native English speakers communicate with a native accent.
It was said almost in a whisper, no sign of native accent.
Plenty of Brits live in the states and marry Americans, so why couldn't he keep his native accent.
Further, the voice was devoid of "native or foreign accent".
Over time, there have also been cases of people suffering from dysprosody gaining their native accent back with no course of treatment.
His native accent rattled like a stick upon railings.
'It is very difficult for us Russians,' he explained, in a strong native accent.
He hadn't lost his native accent, not a bit of it, if a suspicious man refused to believe he was a foreigner.
"What a glorious day," he noted, his words still thick with his native German accent.
Most adults learning a second language will retain their native accent to some degree.