Sometimes he thinks about returning to his native Virginia and resuming the easy rhythms of a life interrupted by the need to work up North.
"It probably comes from not having my lesson at school and feeling guilty," he said in the soft drawl of his native Virginia.
He then returned to his native Virginia to study law.
He retired from show business in the 1980s and returned to his native Virginia.
John Sevier arrived in Tennessee from his native Virginia in the early 1770s.
George Washington is customarily associated with the city that bears his name and with his native Virginia.
I also told them that, henceforth, the soil of my native Virginia is enemy territory.
His voice still bore traces of the soft, rhythmic speech of his native Virginia.
They will try to make up for it with a Thanksgiving meal two days late in New Jersey, far from their native Virginia.
Mr. Burnette has been operating a construction shovel for 65 years in his native Virginia.