A native Texan, she has been getting acclimated too.
He is a native Texan and son of a Southern Baptist minister.
Like most native Texans, the old man would never outgrow his passion for football.
He rejected most native Texans who had applied so that they would not have to face the possibility of shooting at their own relatives or friends.
She was a native Texan, and resisted the 1969 move to Minnesota, but eventually became very happy there.
He was the first native Texan to hold that office.
You're a native Texan - what do you think of the president's ranch in Crawford?
Tutt is a native Texan and was involved with music and performing arts for most of his childhood.
We sent a native Texan to find out.
Mr. Taylor, 47, is a native Texan who gave up football for theater.