Hass increased the party's nationwide totals and recruited many local candidates.
It said 400,000 youngsters, more than one-fifth of the nationwide total, were living in poverty.
Today, because of America's rush to urbanization and the deaths of so many farming communities, the nationwide total has been reduced to roughly 250.
Scenic America estimates the nationwide total of cities and communities prohibiting the construction of new billboards to be at least 1500.
The last statewide count was 350 in 1997, when the nationwide total was 16,189, down from 16,500 the previous year.
For several years, the nationwide total of these grants would not exceed what the Federal Government spent on the old programs in 1994.
Legislation signed on Tuesday provides for 200 additional agents, bringing the nationwide total to about 2,200.
That's a lot of exposure, considering that the company serves 17,000 movie screens - about half the nationwide total.
That brings the nationwide total to 164 since 1994, 29 of them last year.
Cairo has six major kidney transplant centers, which perform a nationwide total of about 350 operations a year.