Despite a nationwide investigation, neither car nor driver has ever turned up.
The prosecutor general's office announced a nationwide investigation of the country's notoriously, often brazenly, corrupt traffic police.
This came to light in a nationwide investigation following the fire at the deportation center at Schiphol airport.
This collapse prompted a major nationwide federal investigation into lift slab construction as well as a temporary moratorium on its use in Connecticut.
The police in Rome said four people were charged with trafficking in stolen goods after a nationwide investigation.
He was also a co-chair of the United States Justice Department's nationwide investigation into the September 11 attacks.
Mr. Viadero began a nationwide investigation of the program after a whistle-blower complained about problems at a nonprofit organization in California.
By the time the program was shut down for several months in 2001, a nationwide investigation had found about 200 instances of abuse.
A nationwide investigation turns up many clues, but no solid leads that point to the culprit.
In 1938, he sought funding to launch a massive nationwide investigation of media conglomerates for proof of Republican interference in the press.