Because many have just come on the market in the last year or so, there are no nationwide figures yet on their sales.
Turnout seemed to vary widely from ward to ward; nationwide figures were not available today.
However, Curupira is considered a nationwide folkloric figure.
(The nationwide figure fell to 5.9 percent, from 8.7 percent in the same period.)
Reliable nationwide figures for those who have found work lately are not available, but at least a few tens of thousands have, experts say.
Those are nationwide figures, but Mr. Hunt said much of the increase apparently resulted from the Chicago project.
G.M.'s California market share is still 10 percentage points below the company's nationwide figures.
Senator Raborn was a nationwide figure of some importance.
(The nationwide figure for such black students is 37 percent.)
There will be nationwide double figures and 14C in a few places in the south, although 15C might be pushing it.