Like many of the emergent nationalistic movements of the time, this organization was highly structured, with local branches all over Germany.
Not only did the battle damage Napoleon's prestige, but afterwards nationalistic movements started to develop all over Europe.
Scottish Renaissance - a nationalistic movement of the same period.
As a student he became a member of the Young German Order, a nationalistic paramilitary movement.
From this point of view, Internet provides a much more attractive model than the obsolete nation-state or the nationalistic movements.
At that time, he became a leader of the Belarusian nationalistic movement.
There were a further three insurgencies in the region after 1948: 1958-1959, 1962-1963 and 1973-1977, and a fifth nationalistic movement began in 2002.
Internationalism required that two thoroughly nationalistic and non-socialist movements be given complete support.
While writing the book he kept it secret in fear of "political repercussions involved with even writing about a nationalistic movement".
In the 18th century, it brought about a strong romantic nationalistic movement, which is still visible in the Norwegian language and media.