His nationalist stance, however, led many fellow Protestants to view him as a traitor.
Tudjman's increasingly nationalist stance has infuriated the opposition which has accused him of manipulating parliament, the courts and the press.
It used to have a strong nationalist stance, and is a mouthpiece for the owner's political party, the Conservative Party (PC).
And its policy on Russia, once its proudest boast, has been undone by President Yeltsin's increasingly nationalist stance.
He has staked out a nationalist stance, in an effort to broaden his appeal beyond the capital.
Mr. Kostunica, whose moderate nationalist stance makes him popular with the Serbian public, wants a general election as early as this fall.
Hungarian authorities sentenced Slavici to one year in prison for his nationalist stance.
But the social democratic left insists that it can deliver better, more egalitarian outcomes from the same economic basis and by employing a similar nationalist stance to the right.
Hu Jintao, China's recently anointed top leader, adopted a nationalist stance after taking full control of the government and military last fall.
The Freedom party no longer holds its "German nationalist stance" but has become an "Austrian patriotic movement".