Mr. Gorbachev wants to turn these nationalist pressures to his advantage by moving from union to loose federation.
The French, who were under mounting nationalist pressure to reform the political system in Syria, distanced themselves from the elections.
France agreed to recognize Syria as a nation under intense nationalist pressure but did not withdraw its troops completely until 1946.
The conclave process was established in part to shelter against political or nationalist pressures, with limited success.
Croatian leaders have taken political risks to comply with their tribunal obligations and now face nationalist pressure because of the perceived double standard for Serbia.
Giving in to nationalist pressure would also be considered a dangerous precedent.
Both countries have proved, to each other and the world, that they can create nuclear weapons, and have satisfied nationalist pressures to do so.
The government is now caught between two fires: the nationalist pressure on the street and the higher command.
Taiwan is involved in a presidential election campaign marked by nationalist pressures.
Renewed nationalist pressures within parts of greater Europe pose a serious threat of instability, which Community institutions must address.