The party included former National Republicans with an "urban, commercial, and nationalist outlook" as well as former nullifiers.
Despite Gamsakhurdia and Ioseliani sharing a broadly similar nationalist outlook, the two men fell out badly shortly after Gamsakhurdia came to power in November 1990.
Dmowski made anti-Semitism a central element in Endecja's radical nationalist outlook.
According to Esra Özyürek, Hürriyet has mainstream, liberal, nationalist and secularist outlooks.
From the debacle of the Republican Congress until it took a leftward turn again in the 1960s, the IRA would be inspired primarily by a conservative, strictly nationalist political outlook.
Its nationalist outlook was also closely interwoven with anti-Colonialism and anti-Imperialism, something which would remain a lasting characteristic of Algerian foreign policy; but also with pan-Arab solidarity.
This coincided with the party's nationalist outlook.
Politically, Réveil de la Côte Ouest had a leftist and nationalist outlook.
Powell's opposition to mass immigration derived from his nationalist outlook.
When she re-married, it was to a man with a strong right-wing nationalist outlook.