Soviet military writers lament that nationalist fervor is rapidly replacing patriotism.
Along the way, it questions the value of using history and myth to stir up nationalist fervor.
Or at least as much of one as can exist in a country that has a complicated relationship with nationalist fervor.
His life was placed in danger but it also ignited his nationalist fervor.
The old appeals to racial sexual religious chauvinism and to rabid nationalist fervor are beginning not to work.
This leads to an outburst of religious and nationalist fervor, causing the greatest, most global war in history.
But what is going on in Italy lacks the quasi-mystical nationalist fervor that might give cause for alarm.
The order for emergency rule had intensified nationalist fervor in the mountainous area.
Would we like to see a resurgence of nationalist military fervor in Japan and Germany?
They photographed the war, they said, with the same nationalist fervor as their comrades, the soldiers.