During the time of the Indonesian revolution 1945-1949 there was nationalist agitation in Kupang, but no actual fighting.
Few issues raise greater concern in Moscow than nationalist agitation because it cuts to the stability of the state.
As has happened in other republics hit by nationalist agitation, the local Communist Party leader was replaced.
If, as is argued here, the representatives of the state at the local level were widely viewed as indigenous, what prompted nationalist agitation?
A1 President Gorbachev's new policy on the growing issue of nationalist agitation was announced.
However, from the 1880s there had been long standing nationalist agitation for autonomy or Home Rule.
Despite the apparent success of the compromise agreement, it led to an upsurge in nationalist agitation in both countries.
In 1943, he was secretly executed by Germans for nationalist agitation among his soldiers.
Prior to the war, nationalist agitation was limited to the educated elite.
In Yanam, he was warned that he could be captured or killed if he ventured to start a nationalist agitation there.