But officials seeking to stamp out every last remnant of Saddam's rule forgot to look in one unlikely place: a tropical fish tank at the national zoo.
In Liberia during the 1989 civil war, every animal in the national zoo was devoured but a one-eyed lion.
So does Washington, D.C., the scene of a shooting at the national zoo last month.
It is the national zoo of South Africa, and was founded by J. W. B. Gunning.
Fortunately we had brought our own, picked up at National Park Headquarters, on the grounds of the national zoo in San Jose.
In my perfect world, we would establish perhaps four national zoos of unimpeachable quality and close the rest of them.
It serves as the national zoo of Slovenia and is open year round.
Meet the animals that live at our national zoo.
National Zoo From pandas to giraffes to giant gorillas, meet the animals that live at our national zoo.
And just basically the love of working with animals was the main reason how I got involved working at the national zoo.