This information created a national uproar when it was revealed to the Indian public.
There'll have to be action, real action, to quiet the national uproar that will follow.
The incident, captured on videotape, caused a national uproar over police brutality and racial discrimination.
How can this have been happening without a national uproar?
When the scientists want to keep Curly for further research (and later dissection), it causes a national uproar, with people divided in their opinions.
His subsequent killing caused a national uproar.
Safety specialists point out there would be a national uproar if airline regulators dared to tolerate a fatality rate of 5,000 a year.
When her situation became public last March, the national uproar was almost deafening.
Since the English-language film was shown in late August, it has been at the center of a national uproar, which is exactly what the author wanted.
There was national uproar at them naming their new cheesy vegemite spin-off as Snack 2.0.