Some experts say that waste accounts for as much as if not more than 30 percent of the national spending on health care.
What is missing is "other national" spending, which he said would rise 8.3 percent, to $35.6 billion.
Senate Democrats will propose annual targets for national spending on health care.
The impact is further diluted by the fact that imports account for less than 15 percent of national spending.
Gary Fries, president and chief executive at the bureau, said he expected national spending to revive during the second half of the year.
But national spending on health continued to grow at double-digit rates, leading some experts to question the effectiveness of managed care.
Total national spending on health care soared to $738 billion last year, from $290 billion in 1981.
Their slice of the national spending has grown steadily, from 60 percent in the early 1950's to 68 percent today.
Half of the national spending on transportation involves private automobiles.
Is there European added value in respect of national public spending?