Overnight, the bureau became a national laughingstock.
Several years ago, the Kentucky state school board became a national laughingstock for replacing the term "evolution" in its biology curriculum with "change over time."
- Stockdale was reduced to a national laughingstock.
In the weeks since the accusations made the Vikings a national laughingstock, the team has rebounded.
A former President himself, Mr. Franco had become a national laughingstock by the time he left the presidency four years ago.
Thus will the Democratic Party be a national laughingstock.
And perhaps most important to the people of Troy, their city is no longer a local disgrace or a national laughingstock, as it was in the mid-1990's.
A brief moment n the sun as a national laughingstock, once the Professor bad worked his and the truth came out.
New Jersey is such a national laughingstock that advertisers feel free to refer to the state in deodorant ads.
Penn becomes a national laughingstock, and eventually the charges are dropped.