The conclusion was that Congress could not make any decisions on new space rocket technologies until the nation determined its space goals and hence its needs.
Through its history, this nation, once known as the Kingdom of a Million Elephants, has had its fortunes determined by other powers.
"The three nations could in some way determine the Palestinian representation with respect to the dialogue," said James A. Baker 3d.
All nations unilaterally determine their standard time zones, applicable only on land and adjacent territorial waters.
During the First Five-year Plan (1953-58), the nation determined to develop 156 national key projects and 8 key industrial based cities.
In a world where nuclear weapons technology and ingredients are alarmingly accessible, the methods available for stopping a nation determined to have nuclear arms are pathetically inadequate.
Sovereignty implies that a nation controls its own borders and determines who may or may not enter.
Those nations largely determine which producer gets the license to export to Europe, and Chiquita's share has been vastly reduced.
Observe,' he said, 'how the foremost nation in all the world determines the future shape and course of its railroad system!
The nation leaving determines its own future without interference.