Six other nations abstained, and Cuba voted against the resolution, which barely passed by a 2/3rds majority.
The resolution eventually passed 80-3; the U.S. voted "no" and 36 nations abstained.
European nations argued against the resolution, but abstained in the vote, as did Canada.
The United States and Israel were the only agency members to vote against the resolution; 14 nations abstained.
Russia and 11 other nations abstained.
But 44 nations abstained, including the whole of the Western bloc except the United States and Israel, which voted against.
Under threats from Beijing, several nations abstained.
(Five nations abstained; nineteen others were either absent or so behind in their dues they could not vote.)
Instead, 20 nations abstained, including Russia, China, Jordan and Pakistan.
But 12 nations abstained, including Russia and China.