He establishes his home in his natal village, Villanueva de Algaidas, in the province of Malaga.
Stevens quickly becomes emotionally involved in the patient's stiuation and encourages her to return home, after learning that the two girls were Amish, shunned from their natal village.
Many of his paintings show connections with his natal village through landscapes, colours, houses, but also through the objects he used in different compositions.
In practice a married daughter did not claim her share unless she continued to live in her natal village after marriage.
It is the natal village of beekeeper Charles Dadant.
Lover, who went away in the episode 67 to his natal village.
He is believed to have named the area after his natal village of Saverdun in southwestern France.
The complete journey takes from two to three years, after which the travelers return to their natal village for five or six years.
He returned to his natal village.
They usually spend 1-2 years there, before returning to marry and settle down in their natal village.