Another new and particularly nasty strain, this drug-resistant bacterium seems to have already spread to hundreds of the country's dairy farms and infected people in England, Scotland, Denmark and Ireland.
Though Mr. Ross's life was never imperiled during his tour, he managed to contract a particularly nasty strain of dysentery, which American soldiers call Saddam's Revenge.
To own a mind like Manky's and hamstring and throttle it for 25 years in the writing only of movie scenarios is to submit your soul to a nasty strain.
Indeed, they KNOW that this nasty strain of capitalism requires an underclass to provide the labour.
The region he visited harbors particularly nasty strains of leishmania that sometimes evade the immune system, later spreading like cancer to the nose, mouth and throat.
The food and drug agency cites several studies showing that salmonella, listeria and a particularly nasty strain of E. coli bacteria can survive in raw-milk cheeses after aging.
There was a nasty strain of it doing the rounds at the moment, and she didn't sound that unwell now.
The e-mails were infected with a very nasty strain of internet virus which corrupted the Darwinians.
This virus killed three or four Weavers, before they finally made the nastiest strains extinct.
When a nasty strain of E. coli flooded hospitals in Germany this summer, it struck its victims with life-threatening complications far more often than most strains-and the search for explanation began.