After a nasty spat with Pam Shriver last week, Garrison-Jackson felt comfortable today in a 6-2, 7-5 victory over Sabine Hack of Germany.
The move to give coach passengers more legroom - especially by American - has also ignited a nasty spat among the world's largest carriers.
At a computer industry conference last year, he got into a nasty spat with Steven Jobs, the chairman of Next Inc.
The action by Congress follows a nasty political spat between the Clinton Administration and Gov. Pete Wilson of California.
The result was a nasty spat that caused Senate business to grind to a halt until the parties made a deal Wednesday night.
The Daily Mail recently lost one of its few remaining senior female executives in a nasty spat over hours.
And now the usual trade and fishing disputes have escalated into some of the nastiest political spats in years.
They've not seen eye-to-eye about a blessed thing in the time since, including some rather nasty spats in the literature.
"They were a little too combative, and it sort of came off as a nasty spat," Mr. Bennett said.
A nasty marital spat between Elizabeth and Radley reveals him to be a recovering alcoholic.