It's doing well and I'm rather proud of it except. . . I've had some nasty reviews.
I urge readers to see "The Comedy of Errors" and not to be scared away by one nasty review.
After Mr. Roberts triggered a long discussion about a nasty review he posted of the Chicago restaurant Charlie Trotter's, he set up his own site, The Amateur Gourmet.
"I know that the times when I've been tempted to write a nasty review online, I have never had attractive motives."
To the Editor: In his predictably nasty review of "The Oxford Book of American Poetry" (April 16), William Logan gets things wrong.
It's nasty reviews in beautiful language, and that's what I want," she says.
Funnily enough, the nastiest review I ever received was when I was in a play with John before we got together called So What About love?
One of his rivals managed to write a rather nasty review saying that the book was a load of boring rubbish.
"When a critic gives you a nasty review, it doesn't stick," Dr. Redelmeier suggested, because "you have that statuette, an uncontestable marker of peer approval."
It's only human, I think, to wonder about the link between this passage and Ms. Oates's consistently nasty and misleading review of my book.