If you find that your cuticles and nails are separating, it may be due to a nasty - but easily treatable - infection.
Whether a slight sun burn or a nasty infection it could end up cutting your gap year short.
And if you try to do much walking on those feet of yours, you risk a nasty infection.
Besides being extremely painful, this often resulted in a nasty infection leading to many problems that they attributed to teething itself.
That's when the head comes off... Makes for a nasty infection plus minor surgery.
I think you've got a really nasty infection down there.
"Broncho-pneumonia and from the look of that ear she's got a nasty infection there."
No one can say for certain how a nasty little infection could have traveled across several states, plaguing more than 1,000 college students.
Without you, this could have developed into a fairly nasty little infection.
It doesn't protect you from nasty infections or pubic lice.