It was all a nasty little episode in non-democracy, that shook many peoples faith to the core.
It was a nasty episode, but it didn't strike me as a sign of incipient fascism.
"The Company just fought through its nastiest episode in, oh, just days, and you were obviously absent every stinking second."
And there are a couple of genuinely nasty episodes in which the candid camera turns cruel.
It was a lesson he had learned during a particularly nasty episode years ago.
Will George's people detect a slump in ticket sales because of Monday's nasty episode?
It is up to the people of Indiana to decide if this nasty and nationally covered episode can finally be put to rest.
The only really nasty episodes were when I was pulled into court or forced to go home and have Trina fawn over me for the press.
How could the Bills survive such a nasty episode?