The result was massive deficit spending, massive borrowing and a nasty bout of inflation.
I spent nearly two weeks in bed over Christmas, due to a nasty bout of pneumonia, and didn't eat anything "Christmassy".
Unfortunately, classes will be disrupted in February by a nasty bout of flu.
And because the filling in a sandwich isn't cooked before it's served, the bugs can easily multiply to give a nasty bout of food poisoning.
There's a nasty bout of flu around.
They had been running ahead of Scratch after a particularly nasty bout of name-calling.
Still, not only was he just recovering from a nasty bout of flu, but his youngest was teething.
A nasty bout of mononucleosis he picked up as a junior dampened those pro-athlete aspirations.
A day or so later, I came down with a very nasty bout of influenza.
In 1997, Whitworth suffered a nasty bout of tuberculosis, and struggled to hold down a first-team place after his recovery.