This is definitely the right way forward for OpenSolaris, but there are challenges that the nascent community will face along the way.
Thus, a nascent community came into being.
Despite the fact that the monastery itself took some years to construct, the nascent community immediately began to live the Benedictine life.
The nascent community began clearing the land, and built two simple houses, a small chapel, and a well.
They worked for one year with the nascent Christian community, and there the converts were called Christians for the first time in history.
Moreau's hands all the pieces of a nascent religious community, he began to lay the groundwork for just that.
From this period and later (600-800), nascent communities can be traced.
A school district encompassing the nascent community was created in 1900.
Luke's concern for the rich and the poor continues in the Acts with a greater focus on the unity of the nascent Christian communities.
This nascent community soon attracted a stream of visitors in search of health and leisure.