In ecology, an ecosystem which originally ranged over a large expanse, but is now narrowly confined, may be termed a relict.
Six members of this Court concluded that it does, under narrowly confined circumstances.
No wonder the plants were narrowly confined!
But the decision, written by Justice Thurgood Marshall, was narrowly confined to the facts of the Florida case.
Right to Sue Is Argued The narrowly confined nature of the opinion may have reflected the majority's view that the case was a close one.
So it was with Olivier, who surely understood that, as with most of his breed, his genius was narrowly confined to his art.
And his field of vision and his own visibility were narrowly confined within the walls of the black and white water around him.
Sam narrates the story of his and his brother's education, which the reader soon knows will not be narrowly confined to books and the classroom.
Mr. Wiseman captures a narrowly confined world.
But many analysts worry that the recent run-up in prices is too narrowly confined to large-capitalization stocks.