As I gingerly stepped on to one last narrow slab, I met someone I knew walking the other way.
A narrow slab of light fell into the room where the door was cracked, then disappeared as it was flung open.
The grave of Mahler, in glowering contast, is an upright, narrow slab, like a coffin standing on end.
Around 4800 BC a stone circle was constructed, with narrow slabs approximately aligned with the summer solstice, near the beginning of the rainy season.
The curved wall of the crypt is lined with narrow slabs of green carystran marble.
A tall campanile is of two narrow concrete slabs in the form of an L. The bells are hung in the angle.
The narrow slab she had been leaning against swung loosely on a pivot.
Here I had to look down each time I placed a foot on the narrow, age-slickened slabs.
Eldritch lights played around the tall narrow slabs of the termite castles, crowning them with wispy blue fire.
Standing on a narrow slab of concrete between tracks, he leaned back a little.