In the compromise, the Senate accepted the "intentional" killing language from the House but prevailed in its more narrow application of capital punishment.
Its rather narrow but important application is often misapplied or misunderstood by tax protesters.
"What it means is that Central Bank is going to receive a narrow application going forward, and not an expansive one."
"That was also the day the Starr report was released, whose focus was condemnation and a narrow application of the law."
Burles's golden line is a narrow application of the principles outlined by Bede almost a millennium earlier.
In contrast the tokamaks would have a more narrow application, mainly power generation.
Within the works of Turner, liminality began to wander away from its narrow application to ritual passages in small-scale societies.
However, even that more narrow application was rejected until the company provided more detailed information on its earlier tests.
There's something about that phrase, transworld depravity, that has a resonance beyond its narrow application to symbolic logic.