Ahead of us the river narrowed abruptly, feeding into a hole in the wall which was about ten feet wide and four high.
The keen eyes narrowed abruptly, a low whistle sounded.
The palm narrowed abruptly into a single finger jutting directly out to sea.
This valley would not have been considered promising, since it narrowed abruptly up ahead and bent sharply to the south out of sight.
In places, the road narrows abruptly to one lane as it crosses bridges.
She had neither face nor hair anymore; the slender waist narrowed abruptly into charred ruin.
I followed it back to a point where the cavern narrowed abruptly, the floor falling away steeply underfoot.
There it narrowed abruptly, to merge into the sheer wall of the canyon.
At the western flank o f the small mountain the width of the rising trail abruptly narrowed.
It narrowed abruptly into a wedged way that stopped at the threshold of Norhala's door.