The narrator then announces that there is a new actor "who looks quite like him" that will become Lee's successor.
If the player attempts to drink a second time, the narrator announces that the player has "Had enough wine for now".
The novel's 31-year-old narrator, Kathy H., announces on the first page that she has worked for more than 11 years as a "carer."
Moreover, he has his narrator announce, "Readers may feel free to choose the story of their liking and consider it true history.
As Venetia embarks on a trial in the opening minutes of the drama, a narrator announces that the lawyer has but 10 days to live.
Recovering his memory, the narrator announces to them that he now knows the room is haunted.
The narrator announces that if Strong One survives, he will grow to become one of the largest creatures the Earth has ever known.
The narrator announces that this parental care was only common to theropods.
After traces of a fetus are found, the narrator announces this can only be the extermination of a family.
Take a new spot that opens with a narrator solemnly announcing that the lottery helps pay for education.