Foley's narrative includes copies of documents connected with his trial, and gives information on the original sources.
These traditional narratives include, but are not limited to, the stories contained in the Qur'an.
The narrative includes only the struggles that get solved and the criticism to which Ms. Kopp has a quick response.
Although the historicity of Pelayo is beyond doubt, the historical narrative describing him includes many folktales and legends.
These narratives included themes of personal conversation, gratitude, and submission.
The narrative may include various Shulgin ratings, noting the time to achieve various levels, for instance:
The intricate narrative includes a drawing of the museum that was being built to house the collection.
The overarching narrative of the tale also includes a series of tract-like stories which illustrate these moral lessons.
The narratives include some powerful scenes that reflect the decline.
Silverberg's narrative includes some cleverly worked out details about the problems of time-travel tourism.