The novel's major narrative events - the disappearance of Billy Hampson in combat, his parents' wedding -tended to happen in the interstices.
This narrative event allowed the writing staff of DC Comics to alter many of their heroes and fictional situations.
Its story is based upon that of the book, rather than the film, although it has several gameplay elements and narrative events that appear in neither.
It doesn't appear that Minot wants to perform a ventriloquist act; Via's voice grows more or less sophisticated as narrative events require.
The program currently centers on narrative events (eventfulness) and strategic storytelling in everyday life, especially as these unfold in institutional context.
Thus leave-taking is the kind of narrative event we're all prepared to digest; and we bring a lot of emotional material to the table.
The style is subjective and Blanco bases the narrative events in the world of historic Venezuelan facts.
Labeled a problem novel, it centers on a weak character who gains the strength to overcome her past, through narrative events and adult guidance.
Compared to the deities connected to agricultural fertility, however, God G occurs rather infrequently in other media than stucco, and is rarely part of narrative events.
At its best, it evokes a universal sense of human folly, suffering and disillusionment without depicting a single soul or traditionally narrative event.