The synagogue paintings, the earliest continuous surviving biblical narrative cycle, are conserved at Damascus, together with the complete Roman horse-armour.
Arranged around a room to consider a theme, they have the look of a narrative cycle, except that they have no beginning, middle or end.
The left side is a narrative cycle of Christ's infancy in five scenes arranged in two registers, read counterclockwise from the top right.
Most of the subjects forming the narrative cycles have also been the subjects of individual works, though with greatly varying frequency.
This narrative cycle recapitulates the heroic migration of blacks from the rural South to the urban North in the early decades of this century.
His most famous works are elaborate narrative cycles, executed in a dramatic and colorful Mannerist style, full of majestic architectural settings and glittering pageantry.
Fukase's wife Yohko inspired a whole narrative cycle, eventually published in 1978, in which parts of the Crow/Ravens series play an ominous role.
Here, "prequel" denotes status as a "franchise-renewing original" that depicts events earlier in the (internally inconsistent) narrative cycle than those of a previous installment.
Each island, each tribe or each clan will have their own version or interpretation of a given narrative cycle.
An example of this is his unsettling but wondrous narrative cycle of etchings, "The Glove" (1880-81).