First, deploy police tactical narcotics teams to create drug-free zones on and near school property.
The narcotics teams reached a low of 501 officers in 1990, down from about 700 in the two previous years.
The narcotics team was increased from eight to thirty officers as a result of the shooting.
An advertisement in several weekly newspapers offers amnesty from prosecution until May 15 and includes a phone number to the county's special narcotics team.
Drug arrests alone, either through the effort of the police tactical narcotics teams or other police officers, increased 30 percent.
The 117-member narcotics team began operating in the Bronx this month.
The Sûreté has squadrons all over the harbor; the narcotics teams are maniacs.
More detectives, uniformed officers and a tactical narcotics team worked the streets.
She said she would also review the plans for the tactical narcotics teams, the main anti-drug strike forces.
All eight members of Sergeant Brogli's narcotics team have stories about almost squeezing the trigger.