His namesake grandfather was Sir Robert Appleby Bartram.
The former Liberal minister William Wentworth, whom the seat was named after his namesake great grandfather and now standing as an independent, gained 18.85%.
Frank Kell Cahoon lost his namesake grandfather when the boy was only seven years of age.
He should not be confused with his namesake grandfather, a Prince of Wallachia and Moldavia at the end of the 18th century.
He attended Yale (1912-15), and earned a B.A. - one hundred years after his namesake grandfather.
His namesake grandfather was known across the Arab world as 'the Poet of the Cedars'.
Vincenzo studied law and later became a lutenist like his namesake grandfather.
Descended from eight generations of Baptist preachers, his namesake grandfather was Mordecai F. Ham, Sr.
In the year One Rabbit of the last preceding sheaf of years, during the reign of your namesake grandfather.
He was the senior grandson of his namesake grandfather, yet moved away from his first homeland, where his family had been prominent.