Since 1968, this plant has had a nameplate capacity of 604 megawatts.
Phase 1 will have a nameplate capacity of 150 megawatts.
Four more generators were installed starting in 1969, increasing nameplate capacity to 1287 megawatts.
The nameplate capacity of all the power sources in the system is about 354 MW.
Phase 1 has a nameplate capacity of 150 megawatts.
Actual output can be different from nameplate capacity for a number of reasons depending on equipment and circumstances.
Power plants with an output near nameplate capacity have a high capacity factor.
It has a nameplate capacity of just over 1 gigawatt of generation.
Phase 1 has a nameplate capacity of 150 megawatts, and was completed in January 2013.
This means that a wind farm could typically produce between 32 and 38% of its nameplate capacity averaged over a year.