One more nameless soldier had bought the farm.
A very senior and nameless soldier Novelist.
The only thing I can think of is the eyes of the figure who raises his hands to the nameless soldiers' guns in Goya's Third of May.
And only with active participation would he be remembered as more than just a man who watched in comfort while nameless soldiers performed the dangerous work.
As described by its catchphrase, the game tells "The tale of nameless soldiers who, on the verge of despair, changed history."
The Scottish army's casualties went unrecorded as it was composed largely of historically nameless infantry soldiers, but there was one very significant loss: Andrew Moray.
The protagonist is a nameless middle-aged soldier living the life of a "junker"-scavenging useful items among ruined cities to survive.
The Mexican American male is just a faceless, nameless soldier with no identity that is fed to the bullets of societal combat.
He died in a pool of blood, shot in the head by a stray bullet fired by a nameless German soldier.
Not often is it given to a man to die so choice a death as that of this nameless soldier.