"We don't name anyone anymore without a period of engagement."
On the plains, that were enough to name him without the other two.
Logan's case was named a Murder conviction without a body.
In 1848, he was named a minister without portfolio and later financial secretary for the province.
Only in 1993 were French parents given the freedom to name their child without any constraint whatsoever.
It allowed people to look up places and countries that were named without explanation in the papers, as was the convention of the day.
He was named national team coach a second time from December 2003 to 2004, without coaching any official matches.
Naming rape victims without their permission is thought to be a bad thing.
Ishbahar was a fool to name me without first making sure of political support for the move.
Plamondon, so named by Montreal city council in 1911 without a stated reason.