That name has vanished, and the area is now considered part of Bushwick.
"No matter how many people wash the stones with their tears, these names will never vanish from the world."
And by the time of our second visit, a few weeks later, his name had vanished from the menu.
The show was not canceled, and some weeks later his name somehow simply vanished from Red Channels.
Bukharin was proved right, yet all that he wrote and even his name have vanished from Soviet histories.
He saw his name vanish from all the records of the Silvanesti.
If there ever were other suspects, the names have vanished in time.
"Chilton Buildings" last appeared on a map in 1954, but by the mid 1960s the name had vanished.
He was no longer employed there by 1477/8 for his name had vanished from the account-book.
These names vanished after a couple of years.