The cast, hardly notable for name stars, is thoroughly winning.
"With B's, name stars help, but unless it's a genre people are looking for, it doesn't matter," he said.
All of the big name stars on the team have agreed to play, which is not always the case for "friendly" matches.
She was the headliner here, you know, and all these big name stars that used to come here-they really loved her.
That film, despite having two big name stars as well, met with a similar fate and was not widely released either.
This meant the big name stars at the Wick went too.
She'll share her big day with a few big name stars.
When the project first began, many of the big name stars weren't part of it.
It depicts the lives of the various members of the chorus, rather than the big name stars.
They also usually don't involve a name star and a big-time producer.