Even to the student analyst it is almost the case that every person comes with his name printed boldly in plain letters on his forehead.
In the foyer was a bowl of baby blue satin skullcaps, with Boomie's name and the date printed inside.
So you you want my name printed there?
Your name and passport number will print at the ticket.
Half the names of the authors in the so-called "American" catalogue of books printed between 1820 and 1852 are British.
He saw a name printed across the right side of her tunic.
But there was only a name printed inside the front page.
At first it was just an identifying word on the map: a name printed in letters larger than the ones used for other islands.
The invitation came in the form of a full-page advertisement in this newspaper with every employee's name printed.
Both had lapel badges with their names printed large.