An innocent looking tapestry stitched by the officer in December 1941 bears the rather bland text stating the name and location of its creator and the date.
Your job is to link each steamy passage with the name of its creator.
In the front of the house, a 17-foot-tall expanse of glass is topped with a sign proclaiming the name of its creator: Konstantin Melnikov, Architect.
In some cases, only the name of its creator or copyright owner is known, and no other information can be established.
During this period, his single "Yerine Sevemem" became a hit and even shadowed the name of its creator.
The band's name is derived from the name of its creator: Terence "Geezer" Butler.
When he falls down on the way to pick up the mail, the camera pulls back to show the name of the Muppets' creator, Henson, on the mailbox.
Later the river was given the name of its creator.
The first known printed European-style map was made in Nagasaki in 1645, however, the name of the map's creator is unknown.
Red Jacket's response argued that his peoples' beliefs were very like those of the missionary, differing only in the names of their omnipresent and almighty creator.