She's now 25, and her name has grown to Ruiz-Conforto by virtue of marriage.
But a decade after Bill Pecota retired, his name is growing more prominent each winter.
The name grew out of the region surrounding Venice.
He never again heard from the man who shouted out, but the names he collected grew into his first tour, which was to Egypt.
"A man's name, and you are growing into it."
His name swelled and grew and filled the world like the pounding of blood in Shadow's ears.
He said sales were up 30 percent last year, to $29 million, because "the product was right and the name was growing."
Gordon McMehen, the chief executive, said the old name "kind of grew on me, but others didn't like it."
With its emissaries, the name of Dupin had grown into a household word.
But since that time, his name has grown in stature and now represents a multi-million pound business the globe.