In just over five years, he was named a partner, near record time.
And that he had a friend, a partner named Matt.
He was named a partner in 1958 and served as head of the firm's bond department from 1965 to 1970.
He was named a partner in 1965 and formed the company's banking group that year.
Despite being named a partner with Patty, he is still left in the dark when it comes to certain issues regarding the case.
He was named a partner with the Wilentz firm in 1986.
He was named a partner in 1975 and chief executive in 1985.
In 1993 he was named a partner in the firm.
He returned to the Cravath firm and was named a partner in 1963.
Mrs. Day, who returned full time three years ago, was named a partner recently.