Named Valerie, she is a newcomer to the region and has rented a house from Finbar.
A saleswoman named Valerie roved the second floor, offering assistance.
The activist, named "Valerie" by Newkirk, flew to London in the early 1980s to seek Lee's help.
A fourteen-year-old daughter named Valerie.
Troi turned to the three children and their teacher, the young human named Valerie, and she said, "We're going out the top.
He has a little sister named Valerie who will be part of "Tangerine", French folk group of the 70s.
- she shrugs and says that the only significance is that if she'd been born a day earlier, she'd have been named Valerie.
Funny thing--Morgenstern's folks were named Max and Valerie and his father was a doctor.
A unit member named Valerie, checked in late Thursday night.