Qu'Appelle was first named Troy, and was an administrative centre of the North West Territories.
However, there are a great many obstacles to this goal, particularly his new principal and a bully named Troy.
Daniel then helps Marc finally land a guy named Troy.
Warren took up a career in journalism, where he met a young and talented boy named Troy.
She made her first appearance on the show under an alias, playing a man named Troy.
She and her husband Jason have a young son named Troy.
After a period of homelessness, Emma meets and falls in love with a young man named Troy, who agrees to let Emma live with him.
He got the name Cowboy Troy in college, after a friend used the name to distinguish the cowboy-hat-wearing Coleman from his other friends named Troy.
Despite some fairly explicit talk about his sexual adventures in bathhouses and discos ("They were all named Troy") his humor is mild.
There he built a city, which was named Troy after him.