Josh, Lucas, Zach, and a lady named Teddy are in a van somewhere behind.
He once had to euthanize a bull terrier named Teddy when nothing would stop the dog from frantically chasing its tail.
Later, a man named Teddy, who pours drinks during the day and drinks them at night, will tell you not to bother calling either number.
The 4-month-old pup was named Teddy by his breeders, who thought he looked like a teddy bear.
Silver and Naomi decide to play tennis so Naomi can meet a guy named Teddy.
One of them, he discovered, was a blond, blue-eyed little boy named Teddy.
His only friend is a stuffed bear named Teddy, with whom he regularly holds conversations.
The adopted kids are African-American brothers named Tip and Teddy.
Also from season 5 to season 6 she was friends with a boy named Teddy.
His best friends are named Francis and Teddy.