Bruno, the village scribe, is married to a beautiful and utterly devoted young woman named Stella.
After some years there, he married a woman named Stella and had a son, Bartz Klauser.
Marson's third play, Pocomania, is about a woman named Stella who is looking for an exciting life.
Simon's in the chapel, with a woman named Stella who you'll really dig, getting things ready for the ceremony.
The designer, who also has three pugs and two French poodles, named the dog Stella.
The locals presented him with a gift of a local dog, whom he named Stella for the North Star.
She named the puppy Stella, took it to the vet and got it groomed.
Isaac's love interest was originally written as a bohemian white woman named Stella.
Meanwhile, Boris falls for a female goose named Stella.
"The people said there's a girl named Stella who lives over there."