Soon, all of Springfield moves there to start new lives with the Simpsons, and they begin rebuilding a new city, which they name Springfield.
As Rachel leaves her own children farther and farther behind, Christmas follows Christmas, and town follows town, each of them named Springfield.
For other places named Springfield, see Springfield, Wisconsin.
The trio's tranquil existence dissolves the following Christmas, and Rachel and Lloyd find themselves on a cross-country odyssey that takes them through numerous towns named Springfield, dogged by disaster.
An early American colonist, Pynchon named Springfield after his hometown in England, Springfield, Essex.
Springfield, Illinois and Springfield, Missouri, among other American cities and towns named Springfield, were named after Springfield, Massachusetts.
As of the 2010 census, Springfield, Missouri and Springfield, Massachusetts were the world's most populous cities named Springfield, with 159,630 and 155,575 residents, respectively.
The television show The Simpsons is set in a town generically named "Springfield", without indicating a state.
International polls have named Springfield among the best female rock artists of all time.
Rachel and Lloyd suddenly find themselves fugitives in an odyssey that carries them across America through a series of indistinguishable towns all named Springfield.